What you fail to realize is that in dealing directly with unknown lenders online, It is a two-way street. You are given a payday loan but in return they get control of your personal information. And not only do they get control of your personal information, but some direct lenders are scammers that have been known to steal it as well. In other words if you are unlucky your direct online lender might turn out to be an identity thief. Looking for an Instant Loan Today? Know the Laws! The yo-yo ploy is a byproduct of the "spot delivery" process, in which cars are sold "on the spot" before the financing is complete. Depending on where you live, there might be laws to protect consumers from spot delivery abuses — or not. A: There are many private lenders out there that do not make it compulsory to have a cosigner on your loan. A cosigner can although improve your chances of getting a loan but it doesn't mean you cannot get a loan otherwise. If you have maintained a good credit history you can still get a student loan.
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